Choice FM
You are Listening one of the popular UK online radio station Choice FM. Choice FM broadcasting 24hours various kind of latest variety kind of music genres. Choice FM live broadcasting from UK. Among the people of all ages this radio channel plays music programs and talk shows 24 hours live online. This channel success was driven largely by the strength of its running programs with country songs.
England has a long and diverse history of folk music dating back at least to the medieval period and including many forms of music, song and dance. Through two periods of revival from the late nineteenth century much of the tradition has been preserved and continues to be practiced. It led to the creation of a number of fusions with other forms of music that produced subgenres such as electric folk, folk punk and folk metal and continues to thrive nationally and in regional scenes, particularly in areas such as Northumbria and Cornwall. Each of the four countries of the United Kingdom has its own diverse and distinctive folk music forms. In addition, there are numerous distinct and semi-distinct folk traditions brought by immigrants from Jamaica, India, the Commonwealth and other parts of the world.
Radio Information: |
Location: London, UK |
Language: English |
Genres: Hiphop, R n B, Urban, London |
Web Site: choice-fm |