ROK Radio
ROK Radio is one of the most famous online radio station on USA. ROK Radio is originally a full time Drama, pop, rock station very popular through the station. ROK Radio has been broadcasting on air and online from UK. Although this radio channel is licensed as a music station, much of its schedule consists of secular music programming, including POp. ROK Radio also have several information based programs that are of interest to its core demographic including audience reports and many others wide range of subjects.
Pop rock is a fusion genre that mixes a catchy pop style and light lyrics in its (typically) guitar-based rock songs. There are varying definitions of the term, ranging from a slower and mellower form of rock music to a subgenre of pop music. The detractors of pop rock often deride it as a slick, commercial product, less authentic than rock music. Critic Philip Auslander argues that the distinction between pop and rock is more pronounced in the US than in the UK. He claims in the US, pop has roots in white crooners such as Perry Como, whereas rock is rooted in African-American music influenced by forms like such as rock and roll.
Radio Information: |
Location: USA |
Language: English |
Genres: Entertainment, Pop, Talk |
WebSite: |