The KPPF is a pension fund in Kenya that provides benefits and pensions for employees of Kenya Power. KPPF has been operating since 1961, but it was not until 1976 that KPPF started to receive contributions from the government.

KPPF is one of many funds in Kenya, but unlike some other funds, KPPF only deals with employees who work at Kenya Power. The KPPF does not provide benefits or pensions for any other company’s workers, which makes it unique among all the other pension funds in the country.

KPPF uses the KRA Pension Bill of 2015 to manage all KPPF contributions. The KRA is authorized by the Kenyan government to handle pension funds, including KPPF.

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The main purpose of the Kenya Power Pension Fund is to provide benefits and pensions for all permanent and pensionable employees of Kenya Power.

KPPF has been operating since 1961, but it was not until 1976 that KPPF started to receive contributions from the government. KPPF is one of many funds in Kenya, but unlike some other funds, KPPF only deals with employees who work at Kenya Power. The KRP does not allow KPPF to handle employees from other companies.

KPPF is registered with the Retirement Benefits Authority in Kenya, which gives KRA the authority over KPPF’s operations and financial statements. The Pension Funds Act of 2008 dictates that there must be an actuary who oversees KPPFs investments when it comes to funding pensions for its members.

The fund also has auditors who oversee how much money KPPF makes each year so they can determine whether or not contributions are being made correctly by their clients at Kenya Power.

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