Healing Music Radio
BelgiumHealing Music Radio
Healing Music Radio is a hit live online broadcasting music channel based on Tournai, Belgium. Healing Music Radio plays different range of music genres. Among the people of all ages this radio channel plays music programs and talk shows 24 hours live online.
Many of the major 15th- and 16th-century composers of the Franco-Flemish School—a current of vocal polyphony that played a central role in European art music of the time—were born and bred in the portion of the Low Countries that is situated in present-day Belgium, often in Hainaut. The late medieval composer and music theorist Johannes Ciconia (c. 1370–1412) had been born in Liège, but like many later Flemish polyphonists he spent much of his life working in Renaissance Italy. The migration and influence of Netherlandish composers reached its height roughly between 1480 and 1520, in a period when talented musicians from Low Countries were recruited in courts and cathedrals across the continent, effectively providing the music school of Europe. The music of Josquin des Prez (c. 1450–1521) was considered an aesthetic model for much of the 16th-century High Renaissance; although referred to in his lifetime as a Frenchman (he worked in both France and Italy) he was probably born in Hainaut.
Radio Information: |
Location: Belgium |
Language: English |
Genres: Ambient, New Age, Relaxing |
Web Site: www.blog.healing-music.info/ |