Radio Armonia Cali
Radio Armonia Cali broadcasting from Colombia. Radio Armonia Cali is one of the most famous online radio station on Colombia. Radio Armonia Cali is a online music radio station. Radio Armonia Cali broadcasts to the regions 24 hours a day, 12 months of the year. With a great mix of jazz, blues, folk, world and classical music.
Create fabric and social cohesion by Broadcast Radio messages with high sense of responsibility and civic awareness, through principles and values ethical and moral integrally dignify human beings, as God originally think so, in a scenario of citizen participation and integration for the formation of healthy individuals towards family concepts and solid companies.
Permeating societies and places of the Colombian geography and foreign, where even Radio Harmony has no interference, using as main tool new technologies such as the internet, social networks and new technological advances in the creation of fabric and social cohesion, Through the diffusion of Christ principles and central values that promote the dignification of the human being.
They have been in the air for 15 years, and in the last fourteen years under the administration of the Love and Faith Foundation, who uses this radial medium for general fabric and social responsibility. That is why every day of transmissions, we have the commitment to the listeners to bring them a message of hope and peace. And we understand that the media are the best allies when they put themselves at the service of the community, instilling in it principles and values.
Radio Information: |
Location: Cali, Colombia |
Language: Spanish |
Genres: Classical, Jazz, Mix |
WebSite: |