Popular Radio stations in Germany
GermanyPopular Radio stations in Germany
There are over 500 radio stations in Germany. Radio stations are licensed by media authorities in individual states, a result of Germany’s federal structure.
On the 1st of August 2011 Germany broadcast digital radio services on a DAB+ nationwide multiplex. Fourteen new stations from a football programme, to rock, pop, classical, talk and Christian radio can now be heard across Germany and with the national multiplex being shared between both public and private broadcasters it is expected that the new stations on air will increase in number in the very near future.
The German Digital Radio project office (Deutschland Digital Radio) was created to co-ordinate the efforts of all stakeholders on the national multiplex, the public broadcasters (ARD) and Deutschland Radio. Five Working Groups were createdto guide all areas of digital radio development and rollout . Areas covered include: Networks, Products, Marketing and Advertising, Traffic & Travel and Automotive.
The network operator, Media Broadcast, has 27 transmitters on-air in the first stage covering all major cities and autobahns (motorways) and plans for coverage of up to 99% in some areas are due by 2014.
Internet radio involves streaming media, presenting listeners with a continuous stream of audio that typically cannot be paused or replayed, much like traditional broadcast media; in this respect, it is distinct from on-demand file serving. Internet radio is also distinct from broadcasting. Online live radio is simply to find out the online radio stations now available to listeners.
The list of Popular Radio stations in the Germany are:
(1) Die Neue Welle
(2) Netzradio Germania
(3) Antenne Bayern Radio
(4) Baden Fm
(5) Flux Fm
(6) HR3 Radio
(7) True Hip Hop FM
(8) Flux Fm
(9)Radio Saw
(10)Klassik Radio