PRO1 RRI JAKARTA live broadcasting from Jakarta, IndonesiaPro 1 Provides Pop Music, Community News, Health and Information programs. PRO1 RRI JAKARTA  is one of the most famous online radio station on Indonesia.

(RRi Pro1 ) Radio Republic Indonesia is the one and only radio which holds the name of the nation which shows dedicated to the passions of the nation and the condition. Public Transmitting RRi Pro1 as a separate, fairly neutral and non-commercial broadcasting service that provides to provider information, knowledge, healthy enjoyment, social control, and sustains a beneficial picture of the nation in the international. RRi Pro1 Jakarta – In an area of 3 times 5 metres, an air-student working on the preliminary F analyze topics Indonesian, on the first day Thursday, Apr 15, 2013. There are three instructor’s superintendent, two school instructors and one from the State University of Jakarta. While a uniformed police officer on secure at the entrance of the room. Malacca professional learner were dressed in lemon captive clothing and use recognition credit cards examinees. That environment of the Nationwide Evaluation learner in problem with the law.

Head of Criminals and Proof Eastern Jakarta Cops, Commissioner of Suharto, said there are actually three learners. Two of them are learners of SMK Mulya Rahayu, respectively – each air-initials G, older 19, and M-old, 20 years old. RRi Pro1 does not take the examination because the school had not compensated two months. This is due to the no interaction between family members and the school. Radio RRi Pro1, tried to deal with the problem with the school and family members. On Wednesday, Apr 16, 2013, the learners designed the national examinations. Contact: Jl. Merdeka Barat No. 4 – 5 Jakarta Pusat, Indonesia.

 Radio Information:
 Location: Indonesia  Language: Indonesian
 Genres: Pop, Music, News  WebSite:
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