Radio Sangeetmala:

Radio Sangeetmala live broadcasting from Paramaribo, Suriname. It is one of the most famous online radio station in Suriname. Radio Sangeetmala is a place for music and songs. Enjoy good music with Radio Sangeetmala all day long.


At the special request of a fan of Radio Sangeetmala can listen to the station have recently returned. Enjoy with the other Hindi music fans of the beautiful older Hindu songs. In the Surinamese popularly state radio Sangeetmala known as SGM. The transmitter includes more than 20 years. Since its founding in 1988, this radio station is popular among the Hindu population. The continued popularity and efficient reinvestment radio station have set up a TV station. This took place in 1999. This is called SGM Channel 26; ie SGM 26. Also, this station has a lot of publicity generated by the Hindus. The SGM Channel 26 broadcast both American and Indian films. They also produce their own programs. These are broadcast on the television channel. Also online is Sangeetmala SGM active. You can listen to the radio via the online streaming service. Through the website, it is also possible to get in contact with the transmitter. The contact form can be completed. This form may also be used if you want to pass a congratulatory or vermis.

Radio Contact Info:

Radio Information:

Location: Suriname

Language: Hindi

Genres: Misc, Indian Music

Web Site:

Radio Sangeetmala live
Radio Sangeetmala
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Remix Luetto 2
Dance 70-80 (Dom 0 - 1)
Remix Luetto 2
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