Joaquin Volunteer Fire

United States
Radio Station Slogan: La Radio Local de Joaquin
Publish Date: August, 2020
City: Joaquin, USA
Type of Station: Non Profit FM Radio station
Genres: Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Classic, Latin Pop, Rap, Pop, EDM
DJ’s: John Doe, Michael Smith, Tom Davis, Alex Williams, Jessica Sanders, Sam Brown
Owner’s Name: JoaquinVolunteerFire
On-Air Date: 17th August, 2020
Frequency: 108.5 MHz
Format: Full Service Community Radio Station
Broadcasting Zone: Joaquin, USA
Language: English
Address: 123 Main Street, Joaquin, USA

The JoaquinVolunteerFire FM Radio Station is a non-profit radio station located in Joaquin, United States. It was launched on August 17, 2020 with the slogan “La Radio Local de Joaquin”. The station broadcasts on frequency 108.5 MHz and is owned by JoaquinVolunteerFire.

The radio station plays a variety of music genres, including Rock, Jazz, Reggae, Classic, Latin Pop, Rap, Pop, and EDM. It also features a full-service community radio format with regular news and other informational programming. It is currently served by experienced DJ’s like John Doe, Michael Smith, Tom Davis, Alex Williams, Jessica Sanders, and Sam Brown.

The primary mission of the JoaquinVolunteerFire FM Radio Station is to serve the communities of Joaquin, USA by providing a platform for preserving the cultural heritage of the area. The station also broadcasts voices of the local artists from the Joaquin area as well as from other parts of United States.

The station allows the businesses in the city to advertise and promote their business and products. Also, it offers volunteer opportunities to the locals and programs to teach the community about health and safety, environment conservation and other social issues.

This radio station also provides 24/7 online streaming of music in the English language at

The JoaquinVolunteerFire FM Radio station aims to be the local voice of Joaquin, USA and pledge to keep everyone updated and entertained with extraordinary content and services.
