Slogan Let’s Get it On
Established August 2nd, 1979
City New York
Type of Station Non-Profit Educational
Genre R&B, Hip Hop, Classic Soul
RJ List Cynthia G, Melanie B, Sheryl B, & Andrew T
Owner Heritage Broadcasting Corporation
On-air Date July 1st, 2018
Frequency 105.3 MHz
Format Urban Adult Contemporary
Broadcasting Zone 10-county area in the NYC Metro
Language English

KBFT FM Radio station is one of the leading radio stations in the United States, providing the best in entertainment, information, and music to the 10 county area in the NYC Metro. Established on August 2nd, 1979, KBFT is a non-profit educational radio station owned by Heritage Broadcasting Corporation.

The radio station offers a variety of Urban Adult Contemporary programming with R&B, Hip Hop, and Classic Soul genres featuring popular names such as Cynthia G, Melanie B, Sheryl B, and Andrew T. The station’s slogan is “Let’s Get it On!” and broadcasts at 105.3 MHz.

In 2018, KBFT Radio celebrated 34 years of serving as an independent broadcast source for both its audience and the community around it. Under the guidance of their passionate DJ, the studio strives to make an impact in more than one way. The radio station has been with the NYC Metro since its inception, playing a key role in the history of promotion and broadcast in the area.

KBFT FM Radio is dedicated to providing exceptional services to its listeners and helping to strengthen the community. Their multi-faceted approach, including music, advertisement, and information, truly sets the station apart. The station is easily accessible online at, so make sure to tune in today and enjoy the best of KBFT!