KRUE Country 92.1:
KRUE Country 92.1 is a broadcast radio station from Waseca, MN, United States. KRUE provides contemporary country hits music and information for the surrounding area.
The TRUE team consists of six people who work together to provide listeners with local news, sports coverage, weather updates, and more! KRUE has been broadcasting since 2008! Tune in today – KRUE Country 92.1!
Priority: High Medium Low Last Added KRUE Country 92.0 KRUE is a broadcast radio station from Waseca, MN, United States KRUE provides contemporary country hits music, and information for the surrounding area The KRUE team consists of six people who work together to provide listeners with local news sports coverage weather updates more Tune in today – KRUE Country 92.0! #KRUECountry92 KRUENOW #WWKMNEASYLIVING
New Additions List item one List item two List item three list four List five List items are ordered by priority (highest first). Priority is determined based on pre-defined rules or user preferences. List items do not need to be explicitly numbered or bulleted.
KRUE Country 92.0 KRUE is a broadcast radio station from Waseca, MN, United States KRUE provides contemporary country hits music, and information for the surrounding area
The TRUE team consists of six people who work together to provide listeners with local news sports coverage weather updates more Tune in today – KRUE Country 92.0! #KRUECountry92 KRUENOW #WWKMNEASYLIVING
New Additions List item one List item two List item three list four List five List items are ordered by priority (highest first). Priority is determined based on pre-defined rules or user preferences.
List items do not need to be explicitly numbered or bulleted. Prioritize list items KRUE Country 92.0 KRUE is a broadcast radio station from Waseca, MN, United States KRUE provides contemporary country hits music and information for the surrounding area
The TRUE team consists of six people who work together to provide listeners with local news sports coverage weather updates more Tune in today – KRUE Country 92.0! #KRUECountry92 KRUENOW #WWKMNEASYLIVING
Radio Contact Info:
Address:255 Cedardale Drive, Owatonna, MN 55060