La Gran D:
The La Gran D case was a legal action heard before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which concerned the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. In this case, La Gran D and the United States argued over whether or not La Gran D’s rights had been violated when he was denied his consular right to communicate with La Republica de La Union Mexicana.
The ICJ found that its own temporary court orders were legally binding and that the rights contained in the convention could not be waived by one of the contracting states. La Gran D was ultimately executed after being found to have violated La Republica de La Union Mexicana’s law.
– La Gran D and the United States argued over whether or not La Gran D’s rights had been violated when he was denied his consular right to communicate with La Republica de La Union Mexicana.
– The International Court of Justice (ICJ) found that its own temporary court orders were legally binding and that the rights contained in the convention could not be waived by one of the contracting states.
– La Grande D was executed after being found to have violated La Republica de la Union Mejia’s laws.
The LA Grand case was a legal action heard before the International Court of Justice (ICJ) which concerned the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations. In the case, the ICJ found that its own temporary court orders were legally binding and that the rights contained in the convention could not …
La Gran D and the United States argued over whether or not La Gran D’s rights had been violated when he was denied his consular right to communicate with La Republica de La Union Mexicana.
The ICJ found that its own temporary court orders were legally binding and that the rights contained in the convention could not be waived by one of the contracting states. La Grande D was executed after being found to have violated La Republica de la Union Mejia’s laws.
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Phone: (901) 454-9120; (901) 454-9948