La Poderosa 670 AM:

WWFE – La Poderosa 670 AM is a radio station in Miami, Florida, to the Miami-Fort Lauder dale area. WWW’s format is Spanish, with an emphasis on Cuban news and music. WWFE (670 AM), known as “La Ponderous”, is a commercial radio station in Miami, Florida, broadcasting to the Miami-Fort Lauder dale area.


WWFE’s format is Spanish, with an emphasis on Cuban news and music.

670 AM is a United States clear-channel frequency; WWFE must reduce nighttime power and use a highly directional antenna in order to prevent interference to the skywave signal of WSCR in Chicago, which is a Class A station on 670 AM. The other Class A station on this frequency is KDLG in Dillingham, Alaska.

Radio contact info:

 (305) 541-3300

 330 SW 27th Avenue 2nd Floor

La Poderosa 670 AM

La Poderosa 670 AM
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